Founded 1938
The Mustang Marching Band of Clifton High School in Clifton, New Jersey, is unique among high-school marching bands. Modeled after the high-stepping, fast-paced style of the Big Ten college bands such as Ohio State and the University of Iowa, the band has never in its over 75 years failed to bring the crowd to its feet in applause. One of the band's most memorable numbers has been seen throughout the world, and is its international calling card--the Script CHS. In this number, the band unravels from a tight block and writes out the school's initials on the field. Another way in which the Mustang Band is unique is its unswerving support of the football team, Clifton High School, and the town of Clifton. Whether home or away, the football team can always count on the enthusiastic support of the band. The band gives one demonstration of its support at each home pre-game show, celebrating the Mustangs by marching downfield in the "Floating M."

Script CHS